Use this page to think about your story elements. Fill in each blank with complete sentences.

  1. Act One - The Setup
    1. Main character's identity
      1. Main character's desire (Major Dramaitc Question)
        1. choices based on need
        2. human nature
      2. Obstacles prohibiting the main character's success
        1. details
        2. details
    2. Antagonist's identity (personified or person)
      1. Relationship to protagonist
      2. Antagonist's goals, desire


  2. Act Two - The Confrontation
    1. Relationship with antagonist
      1. Event 1
        1. choices based on need
        2. human nature
      2. Event 2
        1. choices based on need
        2. human nature
    2. The point of no return
      1. Tentative answer to the major dramatic question
        1. Wrong answer
        2. Hope fails
      2. Trial by fire
        1. Not enough
        2. Changed forever
      3. Transformation
        1. Spark
        2. Resolve


  3. Act Three - The Resolution
    1. Resetup
      1. Final event
        1. Major dramatic question definitively answered
        2. Proof
      2. Final event ends
    2. The obstacle is obliterated
      1. details
      2. details
    3. Epilogue or Postmortem